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South Fiore

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Magnolia Town

Magnolia possesses a large built-up area, extending over a large, rectangular surface to the shores of Lake Sciliora. Splitting the town vertically and horizontally are canals that filter in the water from the lake. The town is most famous for its resident guild, Fairy Tail.
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Hargeon Port

Hargeon is the most busy port in Fiore, with constant streams of ships coming in and leaving from the port. The people there are quite tough, having been raised on the sea or quite close to it. Hargeon is run by a local duke in order to ensure all forms of trade are kept fair.
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Spirit Valley

Said to be the ancient resting place of a god that passed to save humanity. The valley is filled with many forms of life, including powerful spirits that reside there. It is said that children are always kept safe by the spirits, and they can sometimes be found wandering the valley with spirits at their side.
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